5 small ways to increase your SEO ranking

SEO has a reputation for being slow and uncertain about your company’s digital marketing, but there is no doubt that it doesn’t work. The consensus of all those who have hired a digital marketing company to apply SEO for their site is that the traffic to their site has increased tremendously since SEO. You may also be interested in increasing traffic to your site. Here are five small steps you can take to improve your site or get help from an SEO company in Mumbai. These steps can even help generate more traffic to your site.

1. Structured Content.

Your page is also tagged based on how long visitors want to stay on your site. One way to make sure users don’t click on your site is to provide them with good information. In addition to making content easier to read, they also help Google crawlers determine where you are ranked in search engine results. Using keywords will help Google see your article, and clicks will help determine how relevant it is. You don’t even have to fill the article with keywords, otherwise it’s unnatural to read.

2. Make sure your links are not broken.

One of the best ways to deceive (if you want to annoy) both your reader and Google is to use dead page links in your article. If you tell a reader that he or she can find more information on a particular link and that it won’t lead to anything, your reader will be disappointed with the poor user experience. Someone who just learns from your site can cause them distrust of your brand. If your site uses broken links, their interaction time is poor and tell Google that the article is not what it claims to be. Google prefers other sites with a lower bounce rate than your article.

3. Play with metadata.

Your metadata is not related to the content you add to your site, but it helps a lot in search engine optimization. You can make your meta description compelling by a user clicking on a link to your article. Together, the article title and meta description attract users to your site. If you design your metadata carefully below your link, you will get more traffic. You can give them a small snippet of your article or tell them which article will help people click on your article.

4. Update your old articles.

In digital marketing, no matter what type of digital marketing you do, the strategy must be effective. You do not need to write new articles if you have already published multiple articles on your site. You can add a few points, make them newer, and post them later. To be ready, you don’t even have to create a new message, you can just change the posting date to the date you resent it.

5. Prioritize your content.

The biggest interest for users is their dirty number of promotional products. If your article contains multiple ads, your customers are likely to be delayed and move away from your site. It’s very tempting to spray your site with ads so that Google gets paid or shows ads for your product on the site, but it’s not worth influencing. You will eventually lose more than your profits, and the loss will exceed your SEO rankings.

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