What to Avoid When Using Social Media

Social Media is a place where you can express yourself freely and responsibly. But that doesn’t mean that you can go around doing whatever you have in mind for the sake of having a good time or for the sake of self-expression while violating others’. What not to do in social media is a moral code that need not to be explained or written in a book. But once in a while, it’s good to be reminded by these things so that you won’t have to suffer from those cringey, regretful and a-result- of-spur-of-the-moments feelings afterwards.

Quarreling with your significant other

Quarreling with your significant other

Source: Vocfm.co.za

Keep your tiff away from the keypad

Some things need to remain private. Sharing how your fight went on with your lover last thanksgiving is probably gonna get a lot of curious eyes bawling, but it’s plainly unethical. Social media is not a place to discuss personal quarrels and issues. Before having a full-blown outburst on the net, you should at least let the heat settle down and deal with the matter privately and not for the whole internet to see.  Most people engage in this without actually weighing the possible things that would come out after such revelation. These people know too well that nothing good will come out of it, but they do it anyway. Posting once is forgivable, though it would really leave an impression. However, if it already becomes a habit, then you need some serious rethinking before it becomes the cause of your love’s ruin. Do people a favor and don’t let them have that second-hand embarrassment no more.

Detailing your next vacation

Stop sharing everything

Sure, everyone gets excited with the thought of a sweet, rewarding vacation. But there’s no need to put every details that are clearly unnecessary, and confidential. Because while you’re busy posting about the sandy beaches of Maldives down to the specifics of your flight, you are making yourself viable to become the next target for ill-minded people who are calmly lurking around. More than leisure and fun, you must also consider your security, and this starts with being careful about what you share in social media.

Whining about your boss

Whining about your boss

Source: io9.gizmodo

Keep cool from social media

When your anger towards your boss reaches to the point where you have to post it in social media, you can only choose two options. Unleash your anger and prepare to hear “You’re fired!”, or hold your fingers and deal with it as professionally as you can. In cases like these, you can’t be too aggressive or careless about what you post as what’s at stake is your job. Social media has a lot of eyes, and your comment can, in one way or another, reach to your boss’ attention. If you haven’t made up your mind about waking up jobless, you better think twice or thrice about doing such.

Posting unwholesome pictures of you or others

Posting unwholesome pictures of you or others

Source: Nonprofitpro

Don’t let social media eat you

Do not invite humiliation by posting too-personal or unpleasant photos of yourself and of other people to any of your social media accounts. As we’re already living in the  21st century, you must already be aware of the dangers that await once you try to do such a thing. Social media is not a diary or a photo album – no matter how much you feel as secure and untraceable, you’ll never know how many eyes are loitering and when hackers decide to play their game.

Publicizing private exchanges

Keep your messages private

Nothing ever went good after one person posted a private message he or she has with another person. What’s private should remain private and respected, not broadcasted. While you’re busy enjoying the benefits of the Internet, there’s also what’s this called as respect and responsibility that should be applied in all social media sites and at all costs. This means that you have to be socially responsible of what you post and share in social media.

Sharing fake news

Sharing fake news

Source: Socialbakers

Don’t join the crowd

In this age of information, people seem to have a hard time determining what’s real and what’s not. There’s already a landfill of information coming in and out from different sources, and it’s best to be reminded that not all information guarantee truth and credibility. Since the old ages, it has always been quality over quantity. Before clicking that post or share button, you need to make sure that you’ve already made sound and authentic researches from trusted sources or else you’ll be virtually attacked side by side, by computer and political savvies. Ignorance of the law excuses no one, not even in social media. You need to be responsible with how you take and give away information.

Specifying each of your confidential information

Secure your information

Again, a lot of people use social media as a place where they can brag about something, and there’s no need for you to fill the already overflowing cup. Displaying photos of your credit card and posting about how many zeros your salary has does not only make you an arrogant person but an ideal prey to danger. Confidential information are not meant to be scattered like peanuts in every social media app you can find. If you continue to do so, you are attracting danger to knock on your door and attack you anytime of the day. Criminals could use this as a way to deceive you and, you as a user naturally gets to share half of the blame.

Tagging people on your photos

No to unlimited tagging

There’s probably nothing as irritating as getting tagged in photos you have clearly nothing to do with. It’s fun when you do this to your closest friends, yet when you do it with someone you are not, then it’s just simply beyond the word annoyance could ever describe. If you’ve ever been in this position, it pays good to not apply it to others. Unless you’re a narcissist who wants to get all the attention or extremely bored that you’ve reached into this level of annoyance. Either way, just don’t. Or else you’ll realize you’ve been already blocked from your friend’s list.